Annual General Meeting 18th March 2025 at 3pm
- Details
- Category: RegISA Introduction
On behalf of the Regional IG Steering Group and the Regional ISA members we have written to all local health and social care organisations that are members of the Agreement to provide stakeholders with details of the 2023/2024 Regional ISA Annual General Meeting.
The link to the Teams meeting is included in the email invitation.
The purpose of the Regional ISA Annual General Meeting is to ensure that the Regional ISA members can have an authoritative say on the governance of the framework and the manner in which the framework is used to support joint processing and sharing arrangements across the Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire and Berkshire West ICS, the Frimley ICS and the Surrey Heartlands ICS.
The proposed agenda for the AGM is as follows:
- Welcome
- Declarations of interest
- Conduct of the meeting and check for priority AOB items
- Summary of the scope, status and membership of the Regional ISA and the current joint processing and sharing arrangements supported
- 2024/25 Key decisions made (decision log) and policies agreed (Regional ISA Policies (regisa.uk)):
- Approvals given through delegated authority
- Notable successes and significant developments
- Future service transformation and digital developments to be supported by the Regional ISA
- New categories of data with a health and social care implication
- Region-wide arrangements and potential new members:
- BOB specific arrangements:
- Frimley-specific arrangements:
- Surrey Heartlands-specific arrangements:
- Future use of the framework is limited to TVS
- Policy on Expired Agreements
- Policy on AI due diligence
- Regional Information Sharing Agreement – Qualifying standard policies
- Small organisations reasonable expectations (e.g. Small independent pharmacy)
- Information assets – access wider than Regional ISA, defining ‘equivalently robust arrangements’
- Impact of local government review on uninterrupted compliance
- Data Protection Impact Assessments – risk assessment methodology
- Quoracy, membership, frequency and administration of the Regional ISA and the IGSG meetings:
- Quoracy requirements, attendance and delegation
- Members’ views on improving diversity of attendance
- Introduction of lay membership
- Meeting frequency
- Retiring IGSG meeting members
- Nominations *** for new IGSG meeting members
- BOB members
- Frimley members
- Surrey Heartlands members
- Election of new IGSG meeting members
- Nominations *** for Regional IGSG meeting Chairman
- Nominations *** for Frimley IGSG meeting Chairman
- Election of the Regional IGSG meeting Chairman
- Appointment of the Frimley IGSG meeting Chairman
- Nominations for Regional ISA Administrator
- Appointment of the Regional ISA Administrator
- Matters arising from Regional IGSG meeting membership changes
- Regional IGSG meetings during 2025/2026
- The Timing of the 2025/2026 Annual General Meeting
- Any other business
(*** Nominations are required for regular IGSG meeting members as well as the roles of IGSG Chair and ISA Administrator.)
We do hope that members are able to join us on the 18th of March.
Annual General Meeting 12th March 2024 at 3pm
- Details
- Category: RegISA Introduction
The Regional IG Steering Group and the Regional ISA members held the 2023/2024 Regional ISA Annual General Meeting on the 12th March via Teams.
The link to the slides used in the meeting are here ((Regional ISA AGM slides)).
The purpose of the Regional ISA Annual General Meeting is to ensure that the Regional ISA members can have an authoritative say on the governance of the framework and the manner in which the framework is used to support joint processing and sharing arrangements across the Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire and Berkshire West ICS, the Frimley ICS and the Surrey Heartlands ICS.
The agenda for the AGM was as follows:
- Welcome and introductions
- Declarations of interest
- Conduct of the meeting and check for priority AOB items
- Summary of the scope, status and membership of the Regional ISA
- Some of the benefits resulting from the sharing arrangements
- Future transformation and digital developments to be supported by the Regional ISA
- Onboarding of Surrey Heartlands controllers to support TVS in Surrey Heartlands
- Communications arrangements for TVS
- The s.251 (COPI reg.5) request to support Risk Stratification in TVS
- 2023/24 Key decisions made (decision log), policies agreed (Regional ISA Policies (https://www.regisa.uk/index.php/policies)) and progress with BOB IGSG
- IGSG Meetings and Membership:
- Quoracy and attendance (including nominations*** and election of members)
- Proposed quarterly Regional IGSG meeting dates and timings during 2024/2025
- The Timing of the 2024/2025 Annual General Meeting (currently planned for Tuesday 18th March 2025)
- Any other business
(*** Nominations are required for regular IGSG meeting members as well as the roles of IGSG Chair and ISA Administrator.)
Regional Health and Social Care ISA
- Details
- Category: RegISA Introduction
The Agreement
Every health and social care organisation in the country is identifying substantial requirements to share and use personal confidential data in order to achieve planned improvements in care delivery and in financial efficiency.
It is also the case that many opportunities to improve care are delayed or lost due to the challenges associated with designing and agreeing information sharing agreements on a project by project basis.
The regional Information Governance Steering Group (IGSG) which is chaired by the Chairman of the Berkshire Local Medical Committee at the time of writing manages the agreement and the membership of the agreement on behalf of the members. The Administrator (Frimley Health NHS Foundation Trust at the time of writing) maintains and publishes the agreement documentation and supporting schedules and registers on behalf of the member organisations and IGSG.
This agreement has been reviewed by Solicitors and by King's Counsel and in their opinions it is both lawful and fit for its purpose. Summaries of their opinions can be found at the Legal Opinion Summaries page.
This agreement builds on the success of the similarly structured prior agreements for the sharing of information for the provision of care and for secondary uses agreements in use since 2013 and replaces the current 2023 version of the agreement. The aims of the agreement are:
- To provide a clear framework for the secure sharing of personal confidential data for the delivery of care and for the management of the health and social care system (in particular in respect of data controller organisations' responsibilities in respect of GDPR art.26 (Joint Controllers);
- To accelerate the pace with which regional and local sharing requirements can be agreed; and
- To reduce the costs of developing and agreeing individual sharing requirements.
Very specifically, this latest iteration of the agreement is designed to better support the development of:
- Federated working and networks;
- Integrated working and care delivery models;
- Real time risk stratification at the point of care for patients with the most complex needs; and
- Latest guidance on data controllership resulting from the implementation of GDPR.
Each organisation remains responsible for the control and use of personal confidential data within the organisation as required by the legislation and the Schedule F and Schedule CDE Mapping pages are designed to actively support data controller organisations' responsibilities under GDPR art.30 (Records of Processing).
Structure of the Agreement
The Regional Health and Social Care Information Sharing Agreement is executed as a subscription agreement. This form of agreement allows controlled processing and sharing to begin as soon as two controllers have signed their sharing documentation. Unlike the traditional multi-party agreement models, processing and sharing does not need to wait until all parties have executed the agreement.
Organisations become members of the agreement by signing up to the master agreement that sets out the scope and terms of membership for the agreement as well as the roles of IGSG, Lead Controllers and the Administrator. The Administrator accepts the new member’s signed master agreement on behalf of the members as a whole.
A list of the various classes of organisation is presented in the Classes of Organisation page.
Implementation of the agreement is as follows:
- Every member of the framework needs to sign the master agreement;
- The agreement is currently and will in future be presented through an electronic signature process as a single document;
- Data controller organisations that contribute data to the shared pool as a data flow or information asset are presented with one or more additional documents describing each specific processing and sharing arrangement the controller is expected to contribute to;
- Where the master agreement and one or more individual processing and sharing arrangement(s) are executed contemporaneously all documents are presented through an electronic signature process as a single document … with signatures required for each item requiring approval; and
- Where subsequent individual processing and sharing arrangements are executed non-simultaneously the documents are presented individually through an electronic signature process for approval.
Some supporting documents are presented below.
Current Master Agreement for the period 1st April 2022 to 30th April 2028
Note, both versions of the agreement documents are active during the transition. No material changes other than the effective dates have been made between the documents.
Below you will also find details of the Regional ISA membership.
See also:
Records of Processing - All processing and sharing arrangements
Membership Schedule and Records of Processing - Up to April 2023
- Details
- Category: Processing and Sharing Specifications
Records of Processing
The links below refer to pages that present snapshots of the processing and sharing specifications in place for the Regional Health and Social Care Information Sharing Agreement as of April 2023 when the then current arrangements expired.
Generally these arrangements have been extend through to April 2028.
The schedules are:
- Schedule C to the Regional ISA - April 2023 Schedule C - Joint processing and sharing arrangements presents a list of the Schedule K documents that define the joint processing and sharing arrangements in place (or planned to be in place) under the Regional ISA.
- Schedule D to the Regional ISA - Although the details are included as part of Schedule C, for ease of access, April 2023 Schedule D - Other (including Secondary) Uses processing and sharing has been prepared to present the arrangements where there is a non-direct care element to the processing.
- Schedule P to the Regional ISA - April 2023 Schedule P - Data Protection Impact Assessments presents a list of the DPIAs underpinning and supporting the arrangements described in the main Schedule K documents.
There are also 4 Records of Processing schedules that show the mapping of Schedules C and D against the core April 2023 Schedule E - Membership Register. These are:
- Mapping of ACTIVE Schedule K arrangements by Organisation (including Information Asset details) ... April 2023 Active Schedules C, D and E and Information Assets by Organisation.
- Mapping of ALL Schedule K arrangements by Organisation (active and planned) ... April 2023 Mapping of Schedules C, D and E by Organisation.
- Mapping of ALL Schedule K arrangements by Organisation (including Information Asset details) ... April 2023 Mapping of Schedules C, D and E and Information Assets by Organisation.
- Mapping by Schedule K joint processing and sharing agreement specification of ALL Organisations taking part in the arrangement (active and planned) ... April 2023 Mapping of Schedules C, D and E by Agreement.
Records of Processing - Buckinghamshire and Oxfordshire arrangements
- Details
- Category: Processing and Sharing Specifications
Records of Processing - Buckinghamshire and Oxfordshire
The links below refer to the Regional Health and Social Care Information Sharing Agreement Schedule K documents, DPIAs, policies and other supporting collateral that apply to the arrangements in place for Buckinghamshire and Oxfordshire.
The documents and schedules are:
- My Care Record and TVS joint processing and sharing specification (Schedule K). https://www.regisa.uk/documents/KB000001MCRcurrent.pdf
- My Care Record and Connected Care System Insights joint processing and sharing specification (Schedule K). https://www.regisa.uk/documents/KB000002MCRSIcurrent.pdf
- The deployment of Connected Care and Docobo in support of Oxfordshire practices (Schedule K). https://www.regisa.uk/documents/KX000001oxGPcurrent.pdf
- The IGSG policy decision setting out the Regional ISA terms of reference for the Buckinghamshire IGSG within the Regional ISA. https://www.regisa.uk/documents/BucksIGSGsubGroupTermsOfReference.pdf
- The IGSG policy decision setting out the Regional ISA terms of reference for an Oxfordshire IGSG within the Regional ISA. https://www.regisa.uk/documents/OxonIGSGsubGroupTermsOfReference.pdf
- Queen's Counsel's and Solicitor's opinion in respect of the Regional ISA. https://www.regisa.uk/documents/02aQCopinionSummary136472122_1.pdf
Records of Processing - All processing and sharing arrangements
- Details
- Category: Processing and Sharing Specifications
Records of Processing
The links below refer to pages that present a variety of views on the processing and sharing specifications in place for the Regional Health and Social Care Information Sharing Agreement.
The schedules are:
- Schedule C to the Regional ISA - Schedule C - Joint processing and sharing arrangements presents a list of the Schedule K documents that define the joint processing and sharing arrangements in place (or planned to be in place) under the Regional ISA.
- Schedule D to the Regional ISA - Although the details are included as part of Schedule C, for ease of access, Schedule D - Other (including Secondary) Uses processing and sharing has been prepared to present the arrangements where there is a non-direct care element to the processing.
- Schedule P to the Regional ISA - Schedule P - Data Protection Impact Assessments presents a list of the DPIAs underpinning and supporting the arrangements described in the main Schedule K documents.
There are also 4 Records of Processing schedules that show the mapping of Schedules C and D against the core Schedule E - Membership Register. These are:
- Mapping of ACTIVE Schedule K arrangements by Organisation (including Information Asset details) ... Active Schedules C, D and E and Information Assets by Organisation.
- Mapping of ALL Schedule K arrangements by Organisation (active and planned) ... Mapping of Schedules C, D and E by Organisation.
- Mapping of ALL Schedule K arrangements by Organisation (including Information Asset details) ... Mapping of Schedules C, D and E and Information Assets by Organisation.
- Mapping by Schedule K joint processing and sharing agreement specification of ALL Organisations taking part in the arrangement (active and planned) ... Mapping of Schedules C, D and E by Agreement.
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